  • 期刊


Approaches to Translating Wine Structure Terminologies in French into Chinese


安德烈.維德爾(André Vedel)及其研究團隊於《葡萄酒品飲論文》(Essai surla Dégustation des Vins,1972)建立紅葡萄酒結構模型,也稱作「維德爾三角」(triangle de Vedel)。本文將探討這個模型的翻譯問題,並提出一個翻譯版本以供葡萄酒教學界與業界參考。本文將先針對維德爾三角模型中的語彙進行語義分析,並歸納出模型裡的數種脈絡關係。筆者將以這個分析成果為基礎,提出一套翻譯策略,利用固定的句型公式以及脈絡描述方法,在漢語譯文中強調語彙的系統意義。然而,不論是在模型的分析上抑或是翻譯的實際操作上,語義分析的方法都有其不足,都需借重葡萄酒品飲科學(science de la dégustation)的知識以疏通與品飲專業相關的環節。


André Vedel and his colleagues proposed in their Essai sur la Dégustation des Vins (1972) a red wine structure, the so-called triangle de Vedel. Several issues related to the translation of the vocabularies in this model will be discussed, and the author of the article will give a version of Chinese translation of these terminologies awaiting further perfection.These terms will first be submitted to semantic analysis, according to which descriptions of the vocabularies in their contextual features will then be made. Author of the article argues that a translation based on contextual-descriptive strategy and on adoption of fixed syntaxes and formulas will be of great use by high-lightening the nuances amongst the terminologies, which often appear to be synonyms. Moreover, the author puts no less significance on the knowledge of science de la dégustation, which bridge the gap that mere semantic analysis could not cross over.
