  • 期刊


Introduction of Commercial Reverse Mortgage to Cover Long-Term Care Analysis




In recent years, the aging of the population and decreasing birth rate in Taiwan make it difficult for the elderly to economically rely on their children. The long-term care problem not only puts financial pressure on the elderly, but also imposes a heavy financial burden on the Government. The reverse mortgage loans, recently promoted by the Taiwan government, will enable elderly homeowners to age in their homes, and improve their economic standard of living as well. However, neither the previous public welfare version nor the existing commercial reverse mortgage loan scheme in Taiwan has accurately calculated loan-to-value ratio, so this study assumes the introduction of the U.S. reverse mortgage HECM program into Taiwan and uses local data to simulate the principal limit factor. We will explore the supplementary effect of the monthly loanable amount of reverse mortgage loan if applied to long-term care expense such as long-term care insurance, employment care and stay at-care institutions. We find that the reverse mortgage can reduce the burden of long-term care, but still needs to be supplemented by other economic sources. Applying for reverse mortgages can increase long-term care spending coverage by one-third to twice in different situations.


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