  • 期刊


Post-event Penalty in Eco-translatology: Yan Fu's Rendition of Mill's On Liberty


生態翻譯學主張譯者受「適者生存」法則之影響,需以不同翻譯手段求取生態適應,因此譯作即是譯者適應和選擇的成果,而為昭示翻譯倫理,生態翻譯學揭櫫了「事後追懲」評價譯作,防止譯者天馬行空。然而,隨著時空條件之流轉,吾人居於事後諸葛優勢,「追懲」前人譯作究竟是一種「汰弱留強」,否定前譯之作為?還是去蕪存菁、趨近本質之路徑?「事後追懲」的條件又是什麼?本研究選定嚴復譯自穆勒之《群己權界論》(On Liberty),試圖探討生態翻譯觀「事後追懲」之相關意涵。文獻探討檢視了「桐城古文筆鋒」、「穆勒自由主義認識論的幽暗意識」、「群已孰重」等看法,實證部分則回歸語言維層次,比對黃克武(1998)所列嚴復文字溝通若干障礙處。抽樣檢視後顯示,《群己權界論》將個人特質相關之源語,在句構的範圍內清楚地做到「譯有所指」;本個案同時也反映了「事後追懲」乃是揭示經典主軸,成就翻譯均衡狀態的一種再翻譯行為,後人實宜避免套用常規型模「追懲」,干擾趨真過程。


Eco-translatology postulates that translators and their translation strategies are subject to the law of "survival of the fittest" and translation works are reflection of both translators' choice to survive as well as to balance. "Post-event penalty" on the other hand is declared by eco-translatology as an institution that highlights translation ethics, and checks wide-of-the-mark interpretative texts. Nevertheless, given translation is a hermeneutic process, and with latecomers' benefit of hindsight, what is the essence of "post-event penalty" from the perspective of eco-translatology? Is it a necessary negation of the former? Or, is it an act of "separating the wheat from the chaff", effort that we approach the true understanding. To address these enquiries, this paper examined Yan Fu's rendering of On Liberty with a foci on concepts of eco-translatology. A literature review explored arguments on Tongcheng(桐城)School of archaic prose, Confucian patterns of thought, Mill's epistemological pessimism on liberalism as well as the debates between the collective and the individual. This would be followed by a survey of key terms that were previously taken as inconsistencies in Yen's translated piece. The paper concluded that Yan proved capable of bridging the source text and target text on some individualist-related lexicons. Post-event penalty in this sense proved a closer look into a process of re-balancing rather than any idealized patterns exclusively claimed by the latecomers.
