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Applying the Reframing of Neuro-Semantics to Develop a Belief-Change Scale for Personal Selling



本研究利用認知行為心理學家Michael Hall與Bodenhamer在1997年提出EB(External Behavior)=IS(Internal State)基本參考框架(the basic frameof- reference)之7種換框(reframing)方式,予以發展一專門適用壽險業務員在人員銷售被拒絕時的信念改變量表。本研究採二階驗證性因素分析模式(Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis Model)與區別分析(Discriminant Analysis)之量性研究法。發展之信念改變量表及分類函數,可供壽險公司在招募新進業務人員時的篩選工具,及作為壽險公司之人力資源部門及外勤單位主管輔導改變負面信念以提升銷售績效之參考。


人員銷售 信念 神經語意學 換框


We aimed to develop a belief-change scale fitted for life insurance agents under the situation of rejected personal selling. Seven reframing models of the basic frame-of-reference, external behavior (EB)=internal state (IS), were created in 1997 by two cognitive behavioral psychologists, Hall and Bodenhamer. Such models were used as theoretical foundation in this study. Two quantitative approaches of the second-order confirmatory factor analysis model and discriminant analysis were used as research methods. The belief-change scale and corresponding classification functions developed in this study could be used as screening tools during recruitment of new agents in life insurance companies. Such screening tools could help human resources department change negative beliefs, thereby improving a sales agent's performance.


personal selling belief neuro-semantics reframing


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