  • 期刊


Context and Reflection of Life Education in University: An Example of YunTech University


大學教育的主要目的在建立崇高人格,培養具有國際視野、在地思維及社會關懷 的領導人才。透過扎實的專業教育活動、通識教育多元均衡的學習,讓學生活出喜樂;最後藉由生命教育啟發學生生命的目的感,讓學生活出有意義、有價值的生命。在上述理念與脈絡下,國立雲林科技大學遂於2010年10月20日啟動生命教育種子教師培育,發展教師社群學習團隊。經過一年規劃、一年培育共學,生命教育於100學年度成為全校大一核心通識必修課程。國立雲林科技大學透過生命教育的推動,不僅帶動教師社群共學的機制,同時也協助學生為自己長遠的生涯鋪下厚實的基礎,產生自主學習的動力;期望培育富有豐富底蘊的人文素養、深刻關懷的社會實踐與理性客觀的科學精神,以及深厚扎實的專業知能的現代社會公民,庶幾符順大學培育人才、發展知識及服務社會的原始精神。


The main purpose of university education is to cultivate a noble personality, to developing an international perspective, local thinking and a social care oriented person. Through a practical education and a multi-balanced learning from general education, students can be leaded to a joyful life, and finally, inspired the sense of purpose by life education and live in a meaningful life. Under those principles and contexts, YunTech University executed the life education plan so as to cultivate seeded teachers on October 20th, 2010. Through one-year schedule training and mutual learning, life education became one of the core general education lessons in 2011. By promoting the importance of life education, it does not only drive teachers’ mutual learning, but also provides assistance to the students for future career, motivating their self-learning capacity. Look forward to developing the modern civilians who contain rich humanities, social practices, rational and objective spirits, and firmly professional knowledge. Through personal abilities to train the universty students, to establish knowledge and the original spirit of serving the society.


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