  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship Between the Ultimate Concern of Taoist Schools and Main Sects of Taoism and the Life of an Individual, from the View of Memetics




模因 基因複製 個人生命 身心自由


Are people free? This article applies evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, memetics, brain neuroscience, and philosophical religious anthropology as research methods, to investigate the memes about the ultimate concern of Taoist schools and main sects of Taoism. From the view of memetics, this article finds that many memes about the ultimate concern related to the Tao fight against the impulses from genetic replication, and also the destiny of an individual as a gene carrier. The pursuit of the spiritual freedom of the individual or/and the immortality of the flesh, is/are regarded as the goal of life, and all actions of an individual are attributed to it. Among them, both memes of reduced and obsess desire will achieve spiritual or physical freedom; however, memes related to both appetite and survival desire will make an individual perishs, and sexual desire related memes will limit pleasure, but their effect on enhancing the degree of freedom is in doubt; both birth-orientated memes as well as loyal and filial memes will benefit gene replication and set up a mutually beneficial ecosystem finally, and the ecosystem also allows an individual to enhance the degree of freedom.


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