  • 期刊


從語言的多義性探究日中兩語言的差異-以『草枕』的「非人情」為中心-|The study of the differences between Japanese and Chinese from the perspective of polysemy in language:Mainly on transcending human emotions'in the"Kusamakura"




文字為文學傳達訊息也帶來意境的表象。其衝突與融合多來自異文化或文字本身所含多義性的現象。如同「異境」、「人情」、「非人情」這三個單詞是夏目漱石『草枕』這本書中有如關鍵詞般的角色。同時這三個單詞也可說是在該書中持有非常重要的存在意義。然, 這三個單詞於『草枕』這本書中所代表之意與回歸到語言學上其差異又是如何?僅是日中同形同義語? 還是各自含有多重語義且有不同延伸之意的語詞?實在是讓人深感趣意引人探究的語言現象。本論將以日中對照語言學上的語意本質,構造,種類等異同變化現象為視點進行分析比較。例如「非人情」此詞之語頭「非」這漢字在漢語文中經常結合其他語彙代表否定之語意。而日語中的「非人情」之「非」字於漢語中表接頭詞(也或是否定副詞或否定動詞)之意。又與“ 非・不・無・没" 等否定詞的用法是盡相同還是相違?在個人淺見上深覺這方面的研究仍然極之貧乏。故, 本論將以此為中心考察對象。並追尋日本近代到現代日語的變遷,探討並對照比較日中漢語對“ 非・不・無・没"等字的定義與語法機能構造。|The vocabularies are significant that carry meanings for conveying information in any literature. Yet, the vocabularies can also contain expression for the whole context. Such conflict and mergence are mostly come from the different culture or the polysemy phenomenon contained within the vocabulary itself. Taking "Strange Land(異境)", "Human Emotion(人情)" and "Transcending human emotions (非人情)" as examples, these three vocabularies are the three key roles in the masterpiece "Kusamakura" of Natsume Soseki. These three vocabularies keep each one an irreplaceable significance in the above mentioned novel. However, what are the differences between the meaning of these three vocabularies in "Kusamakura" and the linguistic meaning of them? Are they only the synonyms of the exactly same Chinese vocabularies? Or, is each of them containing polysemy which can be extended to other vocabularies that contain different meaning? Such linguistic phenomenon is truly an attraction for those who want to acquire for more knowledge. This research is intended to perform analysis and comparison based on the perspective of the phenomenon of variation in Similarities and Differences in the semantic nature, construction, types and so on in the Japanese - Chinese comparative linguistics. Take the first Kanji character "none( 非)" in the "Transcending human emotions (非人情)" as an example, this character usually functions as an prefix(or, a negative adverb or a negative verb) in a context. However, the meaning of such character is still difficult to determine whether it is similar to the usage of the negative words, such as "None(非)" , "No(不)", "Nothing(無)" and "Disappear(沒)". In my humble opinion, there is stillextremely short of relevant research. Thus , with taking the above mentioned Kanji character "none( 非)" as the main study object , this study aims to discuss meaning o f the above mentioned Kanji character "none(非)" in the "Transcending human emotions (非人情)" through studying the change from the modern Japanese to the current Japanese , and then furt her compare the meaning and function with those of "None (非)", "No(不)","Nothing(無)" and "Disappear(沒) " in both Chinese and Japanese.
