  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Survival and Development Path of Rainbow Group in Chinese Universities: Action Research of Group X


中國高校彩虹小組指的是那些在中國的大學校園裡,主要由大學生自發組織成立關注lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender(LGBT)人群生態並致力於促進其平等化的學生小組。本研究目的為探究中國高校彩虹小組的生存發展路徑,以X小組的行動研究為例證,基於生存與發展兩個維度,進行生存鬥爭、運作模式與行動策略三個面向的探討。本研究採用行動研究的方法,依循觀察—反思—計畫—行動的研究程式,得到問題的階段性解決方案,其結果顯示:(1)X小組通過建構自身的主體性和話語權獲得了生存環境,具體做法是建立資訊資源網路、妥善處理與校方的關係、努力獲取學生民意支持、實現小組延續;(2)X小組自主探索出了適應本土高校環境的運作模式,具體操作步驟是尋找共識夥伴、熟悉並選取活動空間、實行行動研究理念、培育小組互助探索能力和凝聚力、強化組員成就感、尊重組員個人選擇和自由;(3)X小組因地制宜的探索出了區別於傳統「課堂式」、「流動的」行動策略,其特點有高效率、低成本、高凝聚力、高互動性。最後,向中國高校彩虹小組、學生社團組織管理部門、社會科學人文教師及未來研究者提出建議。本研究期望透過X小組的行動研究,為未來中國高校彩虹小組之生存發展提供路徑參考。


The Rainbow Group of Chinese universities refers to those student groups on the campuses of Chinese universities that are mainly organized by university students to pay attention to the ecology of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and are committed to promoting their equality. The purpose of this research is to explore the survival and development path of the Rainbow Group in Chinese universities. Taking the action research of the X Group as an example, based on the two dimensions of survival and development, the three aspects of survival struggle, operation mode, and action strategy are discussed. This research adopts the method of action research and follows the research procedure of observation-reflection-plan-action to obtain staged solutions to problems. The results show that: (1) Group X had gained a living environment by constructing its own subjectivity and discourse power, the specific methods are to establish an information resource network, properly handle the relationship with the university, strive to obtain the support of the students' public opinion, and realize the continuation of the group; (2) Group X had independently explored the mode of operation in the local university, the specific operation steps are to find consensus partners, be familiar with and select the activity space, practice concept of action research, cultivate the team's mutual help, exploration ability, and cohesion, strengthen the sense of achievement in the group, and respect the team members' personal choice and freedom; (3) According to local conditions, Group X had explored a "flowing" action strategy, which is different from the traditional "classroom style." It is characterized by high efficiency, low cost, high cohesion, and high interaction. Finally, this research makes suggestions to the Rainbow Group of Chinese universities, the organization and management department of student associations, social science and humanities teachers, and future researchers. This research hopes to provide a path reference for the survival and development of the Rainbow Group of Chinese universities in the future through the action research of the X group.


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