  • 期刊


A Study of the Coffee Shop Industry in Taiwan on Evolutionary Trend of Trademark Design




Trademarks present great rendering on business communication in Visual Identity, where the form and color of trademarks are regarded as a key factor in the visualization of corporate identification systems. Trademarks appear profound effects on the establishment of corporate image and brand image. Currently, domestic trademark design is mainly directed by the personal preference of designers or designers or entrepreneurs that the trademark design reveals the stereotype of the industries and is generally lack of subjectivity and differences with the same enterprises. Aiming at coffee shop, product (service) code 4302-043 in the trademark search system in R.O.C, this study tends to explore the application rules and representation of trademarks on coffee shop trademark design in the past decade so as to predict the developmental trend of trademark design in Taiwan. The research outcomes show (1) the trademark evolutionary trend in the past decade with the trademark search statistics and (2) the analyses being the reference of trademark designers in the visualization design with corporate identification systems. From the discussion above, it is understood that the coffee-related business has already shifted from a rather simple to a satisfactory human physical desire. The selling of coffee-related commercial and psychological products is under way at the present stage, and the next stage will be related to the follow-up of up-to-date social movement, brand logo evolution, and the relationships between them.
