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台灣自2011年開始導入建築資訊模型(Building Information Model,BIM)技術已有10年以上的經驗,但應用BIM是否具效益依然眾說紛紜,過往研究主要採用問卷方式調查,但往往僅能透過問卷的統計數字而缺少實務經驗分享,為此,本研究以個案分析方法,蒐集國內近5年17件應用BIM的工程案例,透過對各個案關係人進行深度調查,並解析台灣BIM的運用程度與實務執行問題。本研究主要發現包括:(1)國內執行BIM工作仍屬於委外專業廠商及公司內化之雙軌狀態;(2)缺乏足夠的BIM技術專業人力以及BIM費用過低仍是推動的障礙;(3)台灣BIM應用尚處於基本應用階段(例如碰撞衝突檢討與BIM算量),至於進階應用(如BIM 4D及FM維護管理)普遍認為效益不大;(4)統包工程在BIM應用已有成長的趨勢;(5)不同構造形式(SRC或RC)在BIM的應用比率差距不大。本研究主要建議,包括:(1)明確訂定公共建築與土木BIM費用編列標準、將BIM規範納入公共工程契約範本;(2)考量BIM預算,應慎選執行BIM的應用項目,並可針對特定或重要工項進行BIM運用;(3)建立與委外BIM公司的分工合作模式及明定契約的權利義務;(4)可由執行經驗較豐富的機關不定期舉行經驗技術研討會。最後,本文亦提出後續研究方向,例如建立BIM對工期、成本與安全等效益之量化模式等。


Taiwan has been introducing Building Information Model (BIM) technology since 2011, but the practicality of BIM applications (or uses) remains debatable. Through an in-depth survey of each case's stakeholders, we analyze the extent of BIM applications and the problems of practical implementation in Taiwan. The main results of this study include: (1) The implementation of BIM in Taiwan is still in the dual-track status of outsourcing professional vendors and internalization; (2) The lack of sufficient professional human resources for BIM technology and the low cost of BIM are still obstacles to promote; (3) The BIM uses in Taiwan are still in the basic application stage (e.g., collision conflict review and BIM quantity takeoffs). As for advanced BIM uses (e.g., BIM 4D and FM maintenance management), the benefits are generally considered to be small; (4) There is a growing demand of BIM uses in turnkey projects; and (5) There is not much difference in the application prevalence rate of BIM for different structure types (SRC or RC). The main recommendations of this study include: (1) To clearly define the fee standards for BIM in public building and civil construction projects, and to incorporate BIM specifications into the public construction contracts; (2) Under the constraint of BIM budget, to carefully select the BIM uses for implementation and to target specific or key construction activities for BIM application; (3) To establish a collaboration model with outsourced BIM companies, and to specify the rights and obligations in the contracts; (4) The authorities with more experience in BIM implementation should frequently hold the seminars for sharing experience. Finally, this paper also proposes the directions of follow-up research, such as establishing a quantitative model of the benefits of BIM on schedule, cost and safety, etc.
