  • 期刊


Research on the Sports Training, Recreational Sports Participation and Leisure constraints of the Sports-majored Junior-High Students in Kaohsiung


本研究目的旨在瞭解高雄市國中體育班學生專長訓練、課後運動休閒參與及休閒阻礙現況,並探討不同背景變項(性別、年級、行政區、運動專長項目)在休閒阻礙因素上的差異。本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,以高雄地區96~98學年度入學,現就讀於高雄市國中體育班之學生為研究對象,共計發出600份問卷,有效樣本為584人,有效問卷回收率為97.33%。將研究結果以統計軟體為SPSS for Windows 12.0統計套裝軟體進行分析。研究結果發現:高雄市國中體育班學生在運動休閒參與項目中以自行車最高,以每週1~2次者次數最多,參與的時間以假日居多,每次參與時間多為31~60分鐘。不同「性別」、「年級」、「行政區」與「運動專長項目」在休閒阻礙因素上有顯著差異;在專長訓練與運動休閒之關係方面,有276人認為屬延伸關係;264人認為是中立關係;47人認為是補償關係。最後,根據本研究結果對高雄市體育班教練、學校、家長及政府提出建議,以利日後休閒活動之參考與規劃。


The purpose of this research is to understand the current status of sports training, recreational sports participation and leisure constraints of the sports-majored junior-high students in Kaohsiung. This study also aims to investigate the difference in leisure constraints among different backgrounds- gender, grade, district, and sports specialty. The questionnaire survey is used to collect data. The participants are students enrolled from 2007 to 2009 to the junior-high sports classes in Kaohsiung. In total 600 copies of questionnaires were issued, there were 584 valid ones with returned rate of 97.33%. The data were analyzed via SPSS for Windows 12.0 through descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way AVOVA and Scheffe's method. Results of the analysis are as follows: Most frequent recreational-sports participation is bicycling; most frequency is 1 to 2 times per week; mostly on holidays; 31 to 60 minutes each time. Also, here are significant differences between ”genders”, ”grades”, ”districts” and ”sports items”. As the results of the relationship between sports training and recreational sports participation, 276 participants supports the notions of spillover theory; 264 participants supports the notions of neutrality hypothesis while only 47 participants supports the notions of compensation theory. Based on the above references and findings, suggestions for couches, schools, parents, and related governmental departments are made in hope to enhance the future studies and plans of recreational sports participation.


