  • 期刊


Applying Corporate Social Responsibility & Service Dominant Logic in Building a New Beauty Industry Business Model: From Japan's Welfare Beauty Service Perspective


隨著社會人口結構改變,企業的經營模式必須不斷的創新才能順應時代潮流。因此、企業紛紛開始進行商業模式的創新,並結合企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility)以關注環保議題及投入社區參與來提升收益及形象。除此之外、過去以商品銷售為經營導向的行銷策略,也在時代趨勢下被服務主導邏輯所取代以符合市場需求。有鑑於此、本文以日本福祉美容服務為例,探討在高齡化時代下臺灣美髮產業的諸多問題,並透過研究發現來建構創新美髮商業模式,進而達到企業永續發展的目標。


As the society's demographic structure is ever-changing, business model needs to be more adaptive to meet the challenges. Applying Corporate Social Responsibility to raise environment awareness and increase community interaction is a solution to improve business' profitability and corporate image. Replacing traditional manufacturing and goods dominant logic management with service dominant logic is another approach to achieve value co-creation in a value chain. Hence, this study uses Japan's welfare beauty service as a case study to explore the possibility of building an innovative and sustainable business model for Taiwan's hair beauty market.


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