  • 學位論文

品牌策略與通路策略對市場績效關係之研究 ─以知名品牌歐、美、日系化妝品品牌為例

Brand Strategy and Channel Strategy with Marketing Performance─An Exploratory Study on Europe, American and Japanese Cosmetic Brand

指導教授 : 呂鴻德 張光正


本研究旨在探討品牌策略(Brand Strategy)與通路策略(Channel Strategy)對市場績效(Marketing Performance)之影響。據工研院最新資料指出,預計到2006年化妝品市場將達到2020億美金。隨著經濟成長所帶來的人民富裕,中國大陸化妝品銷售額於2005達到人民幣800億元,面對這樣一個蓬勃發展的新市場,眾多化妝品品牌無不用盡其極,想在這樣一個新興市場中取得領導地位。 由於化妝品產業是屬於多元化的產品,產品可塑性會隨著時代與科技的發展,日新月異的新產品是源源不絕的出現,且化妝品使用者已經擴張至全民運動,不分男女老少都有適合的產品。 但是目前關於化妝品產業之研究,仍是停留於針對消費者面而進行的消費者行為分析。對於那些知名品牌化妝品品牌並無深入的策略探討分析,且隨著化妝品品牌的大量增加,對於那些知名品牌在深感威脅之餘,是否在品牌策略與通路策略之間有所改變。 經過相關文獻的探討,建構本研究之研究架構,探討品牌策略與通路策略對市場績效之影響,並以化妝品產業為研究範圍。在實證研究方面,針對化妝品產業全球知名的品牌,篩選出Chanel、Christian Dior、Lancôme、Estée Lauder、Clinique、資生堂和SK-II,進行深入訪談實證研究,本研究結果發現: 1. 在品牌策略對市場績效影響上,在地化導向有較好之市場佔有率;理性導向有較好之顧客滿意度。 2. 在通路策略對市場績效影響上,並無顯著之影響效果。 3. 不同的來源國,品牌策略與通路策略上的選擇有差異。


The objective of this research is mainly to discuss the affect of brand strategy and channel strategy matching on marketing performance. In the past, the research has only been carried out by aiming at the customer behavior, which does not discovery of evidence or research about cosmetics companies. Brand and channel are always the very important and thorny problems in the global process. For international cosmetics companies, more and more cosmetics brands enter into this industry. It will cause a great deal of competition for cosmetics industry. How to fact the competitive situation for the famous cosmetic brands is worth thinking. So the opinions are widely divided on aspects of brand strategy and channel strategy. For this reason, this research has divided category of brand strategy into internationalization and brand concept-image, which uses multiple channel style and integrated channel style to channel strategy categories. Consequently, this viewpoint was attempted to proceed with the evident research for cosmetic industry. Through the related literary discussion, the framework of this research was established, in order to study brand strategy and channel strategy with the affect that its matching categories have on the marketing performance. In the area of evident research, in depth interview evident research has been conducted on seven cosmetics brand on the market of Taiwan, which the important result was obtained as followed: 1. Under the affect of brand strategy, localization-oriented type has better market share; rational-oriented has better customer satisfaction. 2. There is no significance between channel strategy and marketing performance. Both of multiple channels types and integrated channel types could reach better marketing performance. 3. Under the affect of country of origin image, European, Japanese and American cosmetic Brand will adopt different brand strategy and channel strategy.


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