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The Research on Visitors Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Willingness to Revisiting of Hsinchu Zoo




知覺價值 滿意度 重遊意願


National income and quality of life are improved in recent years, so tourism activities and sightseeing spots have become indispensable and important roles in life. Increasing tourists' satisfaction and their willingness to revisit becomes an important issue. In order to understand visitors' perceived value, satisfaction, and willingness to revisit, a questionnaire survey was conducted in the Hsinchu City Zoo and the gathered data was analyzed by statistical methods. The results show that (1) the perceived value of tourists has a significant impact on the degree of satisfaction; (2) the perceived value of tourists has a significant impact on the intention to revisit; (3) the satisfaction has a significant impact on revisit. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the Hsinchu Zoo should emphasize on the perceived values of quality perception and emotional perception so that visitors may increase their willingness to revisit.


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