  • 期刊


Design research of an assistive device for the elderly based on therapeutic recreation


人口老化是全球性重要議題,因此對於老年人的照護儼然成為了各界關注的焦點。基於增進高齡者的生活體驗、延長學習的週期及促進腦部運用,並考慮到老人行走上、外出交通的不便以及大醫院的醫療資源消耗等問題,本研究進行2位物理治療師的復健專業訪談,以及訪問20位高齡者有關進行復健與生活娛樂休閒的問題與需求,結果指出高齡者需要的復健器材可以增加聲光效果,以及方便使用操作。本研究透過高齡者肢體學習的模式,設計高齡者的休閒娛樂輔具- MusicPotato,結合手指訓練及音樂播放器的功能,透過簡潔的操作介面,來達到可以抒發情感,亦或刺激腦部的效果,期能以此延緩退化,避免罹患老人癡呆症等慢性疾病,同時增進肢體活動,以強化肌耐力,並促進健康。本研究成果「Music Potato」設計亦考量居家與社區環境使用,能增加使用上的便利及安全性,讓高齡者擁有健康快樂的生活體驗與學習樂趣。


Aging for the elderly has been widely discussed and is an important research and design issue. To improve quality of life through healthy recreational activity for the elderly, there is a need to explore therapeutic recreation in terms of assistive devices for the elderly. This study conducted field study in an Elder Center along with expert interviews to collect and analyze the elderly's needs as well as their lifestyles. Then design concepts for assistive devices were proposed and evaluated by physical therapists. The design concept of a Music Potato was chosen for further development since it possesses suitable attributes such as music for the elderly. The Music Potato should be able to provide both physical and psychological experiences for the elderly to use conveniently and safely based on therapeutic recreation.
