  • 期刊


A Study of School-Based Curriculum Development of the Elementary Schools of Mt. A-Li, Chia-Yi County, in Health and Physical Education Learning Domain



學校本位課程的發展是當前中小學課程改革的重心,也是九年一貫課程的核心課題。健康與體育學習領域伴隨整體教育改革的影響,在學校本位課程發展的模式、教學理念與方法土,皆呈現出新風貌,尤其九年一貫課程的實施,在課程上將健康與體育統整為「健康與體育學習領域」;在教學上突破創新成「主題教學」、「統整與協同教學」在課程自主上發展「學校本位課程」…等等。健康與體育學習領域課程之發展,由學科本位轉而以強調重視學生主體性為主的教學,以及以學校本位課程發展為主的學校自主彈性課程,在在顯示健康與體育課程重視學生為本,學校為主的新理念。 本研究以文獻分析法,探討嘉義縣阿里山鄉國民小學健康與體育學習領域在學校本位課程發展之現況,藉此釐清健康與體育學習領域之學校本位課程發展願景。


Currently, the school-based curriculum development is the reformation center of the and junior high school elementary school as well as the core of the Nine-Year Joint Curriculum Program (NYJCP) for the graders who are educated in this complete program. The modes, instruction concept, and methods of School-Based Curriculum Development in Health and Physical education Learning Domain were affected by the educational reformation and had turned up new style and features. After the NYJCP has been carried out, ”health” and ”physical education” are gathered into a unity program, called ”Health and Physical education Learning Domain”. Also, ”topical education” and ”team teaching” are innovated on its instruction. In addition, in terms of the curriculum independence, it is built up as ”the school-based curriculum”…etc. The idea of the ”Health and Physical education Learning Domain”, the school focuses on the students' individual development and flexible curriculum instead of displine-based. These prove that ”Health and Physical education Learning Domain” actually makes much of the new concepts which are the student as the basis and the school as the major part. The research had discussed on the modes, procedure, strategies and future development of School-Based Curriculum Development in Health and Physical education Learning Domain through the method of documents analysis. There fore, this research has used the elementary schools of Mt. A-Li, Chia-Yi County as objects to explain and understand that the goal of the development of the school-based curriculum in ”Health and Physical education Learning Domain”.


