  • 期刊


Investigation of the Campus Green Environment and Carbon Reduction Planning


本研究針對大仁科技大學校園進行植栽資料調查分析,建立校園綠化環境資料庫,評估綠覆率,並進一步進行校園減碳規劃。研究結果顯示,本校喬木種類有88種,共計1,333棵,其中闊葉大喬木677棵,佔全校植栽的50.8%;闊葉小喬木有574棵,佔43.1%;棕擱類82棵,佔6.2%。若依據原生種、特有種及外來種等三大種類區分,則原生種喬木計有317,佔全校喬木總數量23.8%,原生種中屬誘鳥誘蝶植栽者共有236棵;特有種計有55棵,佔全校喬木總數量4.1%,特有種中屬誘鳥誘蝶植栽者共有48棵;外來種共有961棵,佔全校喬木總數量72.1%,其中誘鳥誘蝶植栽共有48棵。校園喬木種類以龍柏、黑板樹、小葉欖仁等樹種為主。灌木總栽植面積為1,932 m^2,以矮仙丹、六月雪、九重葛及黃金榕栽種區域最多。經過增加綠覆面積及架設太陽能板,減少用電等減碳規劃,本校每年將可減少1,660噸CO2釋放。


The aim of this research was to investigate the campus green environment, establish a data base of campus plant diversity and discussed the green cover rate. The results showed that there were 1,333 arbores with 88 different kinds including 677 broadleaf arbores account for 50.80/0 of all green plants, 574 conifer arbores with 43.1 % and 82 palms with 6.2% of all green plants. The major arbor was Juniperus chinensis, Alstonia scholaris, Terminalia boivinii. Furthermore, the total bush area was 1,932 m^2, the most planted bush was lxora chinensis, Serissa japonica, Bougainvillea spectabilis and Ficus microcarpa species. The estimated carbon reducing plan could reach 1,660 ton carbon dioxide reduction with increasing green area integrated with the use of solar power energy.


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