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A Study of Chinese Dietary form


從人與自然的關係來看,飲食與造形都是人類將「自然的人化」詮釋得最淋漓盡致的行爲活動,也是將「人的自然化」體現得最具美感的藝術創作,不過,造形的生命更建構了飲食者潛意識中的「心理景觀」,而展示爲瀰漫視覺空間的美感氛圍。 廣義來說,每樣東西都是造形,飲食當然也不例外,從料理烹調、盛器選擇、盤飾設計等,處處充滿著造形與構成的美學概念,可概括爲被載體(食材、食體、食雕)與載體(盛器)兩大主題,及其之間的相互對待關係。於是,隨著人的欲望意識延伸、廣佈,透過廚師有意義的藝術賦形與造形,終於讓飲食更具視覺美感,也更加增添食物的美味,足以改變與提昇人類的文化內涵與生活情趣。本研究共歸納出以下四項結論: (一)中式飲食造形是廚師「技藝化」的智慧結晶,包含點、線、面、體等構成要素,可謂是色、香、味俱全的「雕塑藝術品」。 (二)中式飲食大量造形形式是對大自然形象的「模仿化」,使之超越「食物」的物質意涵,一躍成爲「藝術化」的高級視覺造形與審美價值。 (三)中式飲食造形也是對食物「陌生化」的表現,對飲食者產生視覺衝擊力與精神佔有,既延長品嚐時間,亦強化對食物的視覺審美快感。 (四)中式飲食造形具有生生不息、綿延不絕的「生命力」特質,亦開創了心、眼、手、口相通的生活美學新視界。


From the relationships between nature and human beings, diet and form both are the best interpretation of ”Nature's Humanization” for human behavior and activities, and they are the most aesthetic art creation to show ”Human's Naturalization”. However, the life of form even built the ”psychological view” from the eater's sub-consciousness to display the aesthetic atmosphere within the visual space. In general, each object is belongs to a form, of course, diet is no exception. From cooking style, dish wares to dish decoration which is full of the aesthetic concepts of form and construction, and which can be roughly divided into two subjects: one is something putting on the dish ware, such as the raw material of food, the cooked food, and the sculptured food; the other one is dish ware itself. In addition, the relationships between the two subjects will be discussed. Thus, growing with the extension of people's wants and needs, delivering by the chef’s meaningful art form, the diet is more visual aesthetically and also increasing the food's delicacy which can change and enhance people's culture as well as living pleasure. The study is conducted four conclusions as follows: (1) Chinese dietary form is the intellectual result of the chef's ”artist skill” which including the constitution of point, line, surface, and body to be natural and artificial forms, it is also called the ”sculptured art” going together with color, fragrance, and taste. (2) The vastness of Chinese dietary form is the ”imitation” of nature beyond the material meaning of ”food”, and transforming to be the ”artist” superior visual form and aesthetic value. (3) The Chinese dietary form is a presentation of the ”strangeness” for food, which producing the visual compact and spiritual occupation to the eaters, and it also prolongs the tasting time and reinforces the visual aesthetic pleasure. (4) The Chinese dietary form is with the trait of vivid ”power of life” and which is to create a new world of aesthetic living style connecting with people's hearts, eyes, hands and mouths.




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