  • 會議論文


The Action Research Are the Application of Creative Teaching to Technology in Junior High School under the 1-9 Grade Curriculum Policy


現代經營學者多拉卡,在其所著的〈後資本主義社會〉一書中曾預言:緊接而來的社會,將是一個以知識和智慧為中心的「智慧型社會」。進入二十一世紀,越能夠看清這一個事實,就是「在商品中,並非為了拼命生產而留下汗水錢,而是因研發時加入智慧和知識而造就的它的價值」。也就是說,靠發揮創造力,來追求新事物的誕生,才能產生價值和利益。這也是個人在未來能夠生存於社會中的方法之一。這是個多變的社會,知識日新月異,科技發展突飛猛進,我們的社會結構也正在劇烈的改變中,傳統式的注入式教育,學習到先人所傳承下來的許多知識,並且從他們的學習方法中,學會了合理且科學的思考方法。對學生而言,他們雖然是學習,但卻是「模仿」先人及老師的知識。這樣的教育,實在是無法適應這個變遷的社會,我們要求承襲傳統,更應該希望推陳出新。因此教育的方法必須擺脫傳統權威的束縛,培養學生創造思考的能力,激發學生擴散性思考,使學生邁向卓越的未來。 「學習快樂,快樂學習」,對學生來說,具有學習的動機,而且享受學習的挑戰與樂趣,常常是開啟學生知識學習的一扇門。整個行動方案中,最重要的角色-學生,其實是最難以掌握的,因為這個優點,使得教師在教學中可以見識到學生的創造力與創意,也因為這個缺點,使得教師也很難常常去控制好教學情境。不過在此次的行動研究中也體認到使用創意思考教學教師需要花很多的準備時間,思考如何讓學生引起學習動機,另外在實際教學中,常常需要大量地時間來使用創意思考教學,而教師所教授的往往只是闡述一個小觀念而已,這也是為什麼在現實教學中無法大量地使用創意思考教學的模式。但是創意思考教學的關鍵,還是在於教師本身的人格特質和專業的知能。教師本身願意改變和持續進修,創意思考教學才能落實,處在今天多變的社會,創意和知識是個人和組織重要的資產,而要讓這些資源能夠源源不斷,需要從學校推動創意思考教學開始著手,才會收到良好的效果。


Pollock, scholar of modem management, have foretold that ”the next society will be an intellectual one that emphasize an knowledge and wisdom. ”while it comes to 21(superscript st) century, the fact of” adding wisdom and knowledge while inventing new products makes its value instead of purely working hard” is getting clear . It means we can make more value and profit by using our creativeness while we are trying to make something new. This also enable us to live in the society that described above in the future. In this checkered world, knowledge and technology is changing rapidly and the structure of our society is also changing acutely. We can get lots of knowledge from ancient by the way of traditional. Besides, we can also get reasonable and scientific thoughts from their learning process. For students, the way they are learning is just imitating the ancient and teacher. This kind of education isn't suitable for this kind of society. We should burgeon something new while adopting the tradition. So the educational methods should get rid of the fetter of old authority. but foster the ability of creative and spreading thinkings of students to have a remarkable future. In the changeable society today, creativity and knowledge are the important assets of individuals and organizations. For an unfailing supply of the resources, we must promote creative teaching in the school to have better effects.


