  • 期刊


Design and Application of the Supply System of Hydrogen/Oxygen Mixture to Clean Up the Carbon on the Surface of Spark Plugs and to Improve Engine Exhaust




In this paper, we propose a fundamentally brand-new system, Engine Oxyhydrogen gaseous mixture supply system, to get rid of engine carbon deposition by using the method of water electrolysis. Specifically, after dissolving the water, it will produce a mixed hydrogen and oxygen gas to clean the engine carbon deposition. The main functions of this system includes gas/water separator, gas cooler, vacuum pressure regulator, cooling fan and power source controller. In normal situations, during the gasoline engine burning process, an engine will produce an extremely high temperature. This when combined with the very short time of the gas which can be availably burned in the engine will inevitably come up with some partly gaseous and incompletely burned materials like a sticky liquid covering the surface of the air intake valve, an unwanted phenomenon called air intake valve carbon deposition. In fact, when this happens, some incompletely burned coke materials will also cover the cylinder head and cylinder cover of the engine combustion chamber, another phenomenon called combustion chamber carbon deposition. Specifically, when the injection valve is covered with the residual carbon, it will not be able to atomize the gasoline completely, causing some un-atomized drops of gasoline. This will eventually lead to lowering the output horse power of the engine, which again causes the increasing consumptions of gasoline as well as air pollution because of the incompletely burned exhausts. To tackle these problems, we use this system to connect to the intake manifold of an engine so that the mixed hydrogen and oxygen gases can go into the chamber of the engine. When they meet the burning gasoline, they will increase the burning temperature of the gasoline. This will burn and clean the residual carbon by sending it out through the process of exhaustion. To prove the effectiveness of this system, we also use an Exhaust Gas Analyzer to monitor the carbon monoxide emissions. Specifically, when connected to this system, the combustion chamber works smoothly and the carbon monoxide , Hydrocarbons and Nitrogen oxides emissions decrease significantly.
