  • 會議論文


Study on the spatial composition characteristics of the residential plan of the civil complex in Kaohsiung within the specified timeline


根據內政部資料顯示,2009年高雄市人口密度位居全台之冠,隨著高度的都市化發展,以及都市有限的土地範圍,集合住宅已成為都市住宅的供給主流。本研究以「時間軸」作為研究視點,針對五都改制前後探討高雄市民間集合住宅之住戶平面的空間構成特性。首先藉由分析文獻來了解高雄市之都市與人口概況,以及民間集合住宅之發展概況。其次,針對高雄市民間集合住宅之竣工圖面進行類型化分析,並使用統計軟體(Microsoft Excel)來進行統計與分析,藉此了解其住戶平面計畫的空間構成特性。研究得知,高雄市民間集合住宅之住戶平面空間構成以【A1】為供給主流。另一方面,以「時間軸」作為研究視點發現,在LDK的構成特性中,【LDK】型於三個年代區間中,為主要之供給形式。此外,入口類型則以【直入型】為主要供給類型。


According to the Ministry of the Interior, Kaohsiung City's population was the highest in Taiwan in 2009. Due to the highly developed urbanization, and the limited availability of land areas, congregate housing has become the mainstream of urban housing supply. By focusing on a specific timeline as the cut-in point, this study aims to explore the spatial composition characteristics of the household plans on congregate housing in Kaohsiung city from 2001 to 2015 at each five-year interval. First is to review the literature analysis, to understand the general situation of Kaohsiung's population, the current state of urban development, and the development of private residential housing. Secondly, perform type analysis on the completed drawings of the residential buildings in Kaohsiung, and perform statistical analysis through statistical software (Microsoft Excel) to understand the type of space composition of the household plan. This research shows that the spatial composition of the residential plan of the residential complex in Kaohsiung is【A1 type】as the mainstream supply. Besides, in the LDK space,【LDK type】is the mainstream supply. In addition, the type of entrance is【Direct entry type】as the mainstream supply, which accounts for more than 60% in each period.
