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Control of Soil-borne Diseases on Chrysanthemum Cuttings by the Solar Heated Water Circulation System


太陽能熱水循環消毒系統乃是於菊花育苗床安裝S型環繞管路,當管路末端之溫度控制電磁閥的溫度低於設定值時,啟動馬達補充太陽能熱水,直到溫度到達設定值。當太陽能熱水溫度在70℃以上,溫度控制電磁閥溫度分別設定在50℃及55℃,進行二次試驗,結果顯示入水口溫度皆較出水口溫度高,在電磁閥設定為50℃,其溫度差分別為1.4℃及9.1℃,在電磁閥設定為55℃,其溫度差分別為5.2℃及5.9℃;在電磁閥設定為50℃時及苗床循環管路間之介質溫度維持在45℃以上的時間分別為362分鐘及391分鐘;在電磁閥設定為55℃及苗床循環管路間之介質溫度維持在45℃以上的時間分別為229分鐘及319分鐘。進一步測試太陽能熱水循環消毒系統的殺菌能力,顯示溫度控制電磁閥溫度設定在50℃時,此溫度條件能有效殺死預先埋入介質內之菊花莖腐病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)及根腐病菌(Pythium aphanidermatum)。於育苗床建立菊花莖腐病及根腐病病圃,利用太陽能熱水循環消毒系統,處理後隔天扞插菊花,所生產之菊花扞插苗,未發生土壤傳播性病害,與介質不經消毒處理之對照組比較,其菊花扞插苗發病率高達93~100%,顯示太陽能熱水循環消毒系統能同時防治菊花育苗期土壤傳播性病害。


Solar heated water circulation system consisted of a s-shaped pipe installed surround into a nursery tray for chrysanthemum cuttings propagation. A temperature control valve was installed at the end of the system. When the temperature fell under the setup temperature, a electric bucket with hump was twisted to start recycling the solar heated water. When water temperature heated by the system was above 70℃, the inlet water temperature was detected higher than the outlet ones. The control valve of the system was setup both at 50℃ and 55℃, temperatures of inlet water, substrate, and outlet water were recorded twice. When the setup temperature of the control valve was at 50℃, water temperature differences between the inlet and outlet were 1.4℃ and 9.1℃, respectively, the substrate temperature exceeded 45℃ for 362 and 391 minutes. When the setup temperature of the control valve was at 55℃, the water temperature differences between the inlet and outlet were 5.2℃ and 5.9℃ respectively, and the substrate temperature exceeded 45℃ for 229 and 319 minutes. The substrate temperature between the pipe was under 50℃. The pre-incabated soil-borne pathogens (Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium aphanidermatum) in substrate could not survive after the seedbeds was disinfected when the temperature control system was setup at 50℃. The result showed that Chrysanthemum grew on disease-borne seedbed treated with the heat water circulation system remained healthy, but the disease incidences in unteated seedbed was between 93-100%. It concladed that the soil-borne diseases of chrysanthemum will be controlled through the solar heated water circulation system.
