  • 期刊


Effects of Autogenic Relaxation training on Psychological Capital and Stress Adjustment of Baseball Players




Introduction: Taiwanese pay great attention to baseball games, but the pressure on the baseball players is tremendous. With equivalent levels of physical fitness and skills, the psychological quality of athletes is often the key to winning the game. The literature has shown individuals with high psychological capital are able to withstand challenges and changes, from adversity to prosperity, and from prosperity to achieve greater accomplishments. Psychological capital can enhance motivation and unremitting efforts, which is an advantage that can be developed and trained. Autogenic training is one kind of relaxation technique. Through autogenic training individuals can improve their psychological capital and reduce their stress to face challenges. Purpose To explore the effect of autogenic relaxation training on the psychological capital and stress index of baseball players. Methods: This study conducted autogenic relaxation technique on 33 professional baseball players, and used a stress meter and a psychological capital scale to detect the physical and psychological performance of professional baseball players before and after training. Research tools included Psychological Capital Scale and an eureka pressure meter. Results: The results have shown that the average stress index of baseball players was 107.24 and the average heart rate was 78.6 before the autogenic relaxation training. After the autogenic relaxation training the average of stress index and heart rate both dropped to 82.84 and 75.8 respectively. Statistical analysis by paired t test showed that the heart rate and stress values were significantly lower after the intervention of autogenic relaxation training. In Psychological Capital Scale, the performance of each dimension originally falls between 70.1% and 83.2%, from high to low, in order of hope, optimism, resilience and self-efficacy. After the intervention of autogenic relaxation training it has increased to 89%~92.8%, and each dimension increased by at least 10%. It is worth mentioning that the self-efficacy was the lowest score before the intervention of autogenic relaxation training has increased by 21% after the intervention, indicating that psychological capital was significantly improved after the intervention of autogenic relaxation training. The feedback from the players after training was also quite positive. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the psychological skills training on baseball players, so as to improve their performance in baseball game.


autogenic psychological capital Stress Biofeedback


