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Research on Attack Technical Characteristics of Taiwan's Elite College Female Taekwondo Athletes in the 2016 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games




The purpose of research to explore the characteristics of the technical use of the 1st to 8th weight classes gold medal athletes of the open group women's team in the Taekwondo Kyorugi competition in the 2016 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games. Using the videotape system observation method, video shooting and on-site live record to obtain the data of 8 gold medal athletes (a total of 8 players, 25 games, 76 rounds), the obtained data is allocated by the percentage of times and descriptive statistics are carried out. For the main attack types, attack methods, applied footwork and attack techniques, the number of attacks, points, and the number of points scored in the competition, the conclusions after summarizing are as follows: 1.Technical characteristics of Taiwan's elite colleges female taekwondo athletes. The main attack type is mainly active attack; the main attack and scoring action is the front foot, the main battle stance is mainly right front and left back, and the left front and right back battle stance has better scoring efficiency; the main attack and scoring method is mainly single front middle; the main attack and scoring application footwork Mainly in situ; the main attack action is mainly side kick technique, the main scoring action is round horse kick technique. 2. The advent of electronic protective gear has greatly reduced the use rate of back-foot attacks. Front foot attacks and side kick techniques have jumped to the top of the attack rate. Combination techniques often use the front foot as the first offensive foot, perform a direct attack or destroy the opponent's action and then continue to hit consecutively to facilitate the subsequent offensive to seek scoring opportunities. 3. The main purpose of the combination of attack technology is to score victory, and the scoring conditions of the competition system will affect the deployment of the attack technology, the choice of the main function of the foot and its utilization rate. 4. The characteristics of the attack technique of Taiwan elite colleges female taekwondo athletes are single attack and mid-range attacks. Punch. turning and continuous attack techniques have not become normal attack techniques. It is advisable to try these techniques in practice and competitions to obtain self-confidence. of the action can be used in the execution of tactics without restriction and play a role at the critical moment.


attack technical attack type attack mode
