  • 會議論文


A Survey of Physical Activity toward the University Freshmen


目的:探討大學一年級新生在入學前的身體活動狀況。方法:本調查對象為長榮大學大一新生96名(男29女67),研究方法採用問卷調查法,請受試者填寫身體活動調查問卷。所得數據以描述性統計進行分析。結果:一、70%以上的學生,在入學前以坐式生活型態為主。二、90%以上的學生不喜歡觀賞運動性節目。三、60%以上的學生,每天上網或觀賞電視節目超過三小時。四、有65%以上的男生每天身體活動時間在30分鐘以下,女生更高達80%。五、有62%的男生在一週當中,未曾連續從事費力性身體活動,女生則是79%。六、有31%的男生,家人和朋友都沒有規律運動習慣,女生則是58.2%。結論:坐式生活型態是造成身體活動量不足的主因,並容易罹患運動不足病(hypokinetic disease),進而影響學生的健康;若沒有健康的身體,大學生要如何面對未來就業時的激烈競爭。所以要透過適當的大學體育課程,協助學生養成規律身體活動習慣,讓學生擁有帶著走的身體活動能力,相信對學生的未來將會大有助益。


身體活動 坐式生活


The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical activity of the freshman. A total number of 96 freshmen (29 male, 67 female) of Chang Jung Christian University responded to the questionnaire, and the descriptive analysis was used to examine the data. The results were: (1) Over 70% freshmen had sedentary lifestyle before they entered university; (2) Over 90% freshmen did not like to watch sport programs; (3) Over 60% freshmen surfed the net and watched TV for over 3 hours every day; (4) Over 65% male and 80% female freshmen did physical activity less than 30 minutes per day; (5) 62% male and 79% female freshmen did not involve in drastic physical activity per week; (6) The family members and friends of 31% male, 58.2% female freshmen did not have habit of regular exercise. In conclusion, the sedentary lifestyle led to insufficient physical activity which was the risk factor to cause hypokinetic disease, and would influence students' health. Hopefully, the students could cultivate the habit of physical activity through proper and efficient physical education curricula, and improve their ability of physical activity.
