  • 會議論文


Aerobic Exercise on Physical Fitness Can Affect the Study


本研究目的為有氧運動對身體組成、肌耐力測驗、柔軟度與心肺耐力等健康體適能之影響。有氧運動(Aerobic Exercise)為能夠在長時間內持續進行運動,且抑制你的運動強度,適時提高呼吸與心跳數,並於運動過程(約20分鐘後)會燃燒葡萄糖及貯存的脂肪。有氧運動最常見的運動項目。本研究範圍為高雄市三民及左營區居民共420人(女性166人、男性254人),進行快走、跑步、跳舞、游泳、踏單車、爬樓梯及跑步機、原地腳踏車;依個人體適能狀況開立營養、運動處方運動介入八週,每週至少3次每次60-90分鐘進行後測因誘因不足僅剩137人。研究方法隨機抽樣之問卷調查及體適能檢測(前後測),以參與前後測之137人進行描述性統計及弗里曼二因子等級變異數分析法,統計分析其變化,統計資料以SPSS18.0軟體進行統計與分析。研究結果發現:1.受測者大多為男性佔60.5%,年齡層範圍為20~78歲,平均數為±43.6歲。2.高雄市三民區及左營區居民身體質量指數,漸進顯著性(Asymp. Sig)p值等於.486,有顯著差異。3.高雄市三民區及左營區居民肌耐力,漸進顯著性(Asymp. Sig)p值等於.033,有顯著差異。4.高雄市三民區及左營區居民柔軟度,漸進顯著性(Asymp. Sig)p值等於.055,未有顯著差異。5.高雄市三民區及左營區居民心肺耐力,漸進顯著性(Asymp. Sig)p值等於.673,未達.05的顯著水準。研究結論為透過有氧運動訓練後,居民在身體質量指數、肌耐力、柔軟度方面皆獲得明顯改善,而心肺適能方面未獲得改善。


This study purpose is to aerobic exercise for health fitness in before and after comparison. Aerobic exercise can be interpreted as a sustained exercise for 8 weeks , and the inhibition of their exercise intensity , timely respiration and hear t rate increase , and 137 residents of the motion process ( about 30 minutes ) of glucose and storage of fat burn . Aerobic exercise is the most common sports brisk walking , running, dancing, swimming , cycling , riding stairs and so on. In addition, aerobic exercise can use the machine via ( treadmill, electric bicycles) , the use of aids ( step aerobics ) , jogging, swimming and other participating distinguishable . The research method are automatically participate in health management Zuoying and Sanming Dis trict residents , conducted a questionnaire survey and physical fitness testing to Freeman through two descriptive statistics and analysis of variance by ranks statistical analysis of the changes , exercise eight weeks , weekly 60-90 minutes at least three times , involving simple aerobics classes , with SPSS18.0 statistical software for statistical data and analysis .Their physical fitness status analysis is divided into physical activity, chronic disease history , body composition, muscular endurance test , flexibility and cardiovascular endurance testing before and after the test results ; health management is according to personal physical fitness opened nutrition, exercise prescriptions. The results and discussions are: 1. Subjects were mostly male (60.5%) , their ages ranged from 20 to 78 years, an average of ± 43.6 years of age. 2.Kaohsiung City and the camp residents body mass index , progressive signif icant (Asymp. Sig) p is equal to .486 , a significant difference. 3.Kaohsiung City and the camp residents muscular endurance , progressive significant (Asymp. Sig) p is equal to .033 , a significant difference . 4. Kaohsiung City and left the camp residents softness, progressive significant (Asymp. Sig) p is equal to .055 , no significant difference . 5 Kaohsiung City and left the camp residents cardiorespiratory endurance ,progressive significant (Asymp. Sig) p is equal to .673 , below the .05 level of significance. This study concluded that the aerobic training ,the residents in the body mass index, muscular endurance, softness achieve significant improvement in all aspects , and aspects of cardiorespiratory fitness is not improved.


