  • 期刊


Study on the Evaluation of the Learning Effectiveness of Participants Pre and Post Import of Leisure and Healing Experience Activities




Leisure experience activities can allow consumers to create value that touches them and leaves good memories through experience, which in turn affects consumer satisfaction and turns them into loyal customers. In this study, an on-campus teaching farm of a certain university of science and technology was used as an experience activity venue, and a tomato planting experience activity course was designed to allow students participating in this study to participate in the process of planting, watering, growing, flowering, fruiting, harvesting and tasting of tomato seedlings. The five experience strategy modules proposed in the concept of "experience marketing": sensory, emotion, thinking, action, and related experience measure the response results of participating students, sort them out and analyze them for the purpose of revising the experience activity curriculum design. This research focuses on creating experience cognition through experiential courses and then studying experience satisfaction. It takes Students of the University of Science and Technology as participating students as the research object, and focuses on the tomatoes from the leisure teaching farm in the school. The production and processing aspects of the students are evaluated through experiential courses. Before and after the changes in satisfaction, this study currently distributes 352 questionnaires before and after the experience, a total of 704 questionnaires, to understand the impact of the introduction of experience courses in the courses on the effectiveness of the participants' learning. In the past, few academics focused on the experience. In the aspect of learning, teaching effectiveness is evaluated. Therefore, the results of this research can provide specific academic or applied value, which can be used as a very important reference case for future teaching research and leisure agriculture. In addition, the above-mentioned tomato planting experience activity courses will be promoted to the Taiwanese and off-campus promotion courses such as the silver-haired community, in order to effectively use the leisure experience activity teaching activities, and contribute to the marketing point of the farm's experience teaching activities.


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