  • 期刊


A Study of the Legal Framework of Greenhouse Gas Reduction from the Comparative legal Perspective


我國因應國際社會未來對於減碳之高度壓力,其實早於2006年9月將「溫室氣體減量法草案」提交立法院審查,以便於我國推動溫室氣體減量有法律依據,然此法案從提出至今多次送交立法院卻未能順利審議通過,主要因為環保團體以及各大污染源之反對,再加上行政院與立法院對於該草案內容之歧異等導致無法形成共識之情形。近來或有從國際氣候變遷法或從先進歐美國家立法等趨勢來加以評估我國草案以及未來應有溫減法規範,另也有就個別溫室氣體減量工具進行歐盟等國實踐之分析。整體而言,溫室氣體減量業已成為實務界及學界廣泛重視之議題。然而溫室氣體管制,原本與一般國內傳統公害防制法以及環境法議題有所不同,必須兼顧國際最新國際環境政治發展趨勢以及相關手段工具之使用,特別由於相關京都機制之運用及發展對於長遠我國未來管制有一定程度之影響。但另一方面由於我國並非公約締約國,在參考外國法制之同時,應檢討是否相關規範適合我國應有之規範? 再者應考慮如何能獲得國內各界廣泛共識前提下,儘快推動國內相關法制建制之可行性。爰此,本文乃就於溫室氣體減量法制化之先驅國家(英國、日本)推動近十餘年之經驗作為未來我國法制化參考之借鏡外,文末就此等國家之框架法規範,從比較法學觀點簡單加以分析。


In order to responding the intense pressure from international society for the reduction of greenhouse gases, the government in Taiwan has drafted the Bill of "the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act" as the governing law to control and reduce the greenhouse gases and already proposed it to the Legislative Yuan. However, because of the opposition from environmental groups and main pollution resources, the Bill could not have any chance to get passed by the legislature. Moreover, the Executive Yuan and Legislative Yuan still have some disagreements with each other about the Bill and cannot have the final consensus. Recently, scholars have tried to evaluate the Bill from the perspectives of international climate change law and the legal development trend for the greenhouse gas reduction in western advanced countries to propose their suggestions for the Bill's future in Taiwan. Also, some people use specific regulatory tools in dealing with the reduction of greenhouse gases to compare and analyze their practices in different European countries. As we can see, greenhouse gas reduction has become a significant issue in legal practice and academic fields. The regulation of greenhouse gas is different from the approach the traditional way uses in dealing with public nuisance disputes and some other environmental issues. For its success, regulating greenhouse gases should consider and follow the newest development trend of international environmental politics and relevant useful regulatory tools, especially regarding the mechanisms adopted in Kyoto Protocol, which would have deep influence to our environmental regulation and future development. Furthermore, because Taiwan is not a signatory to any international treaty, when comparing with other countries' legal system, we should take our legal culture and existing legal structure into consideration. Also, in order to help the legal framework to be in effect as soon as possible, we need to find out if there is an acceptable approach all of interested parties can have consensus upon it. Therefore, this paper is going to introduce the legal frameworks of greenhouse gas reduction in some developed countries such as British and Japan and analyze them form legal policy perspective for our own legal framework development in the future.


