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The Effects of Extracurricular Involvement on Morality and Academic Performance




Participating in student clubs is an effective way to cultivate students' multiple abilities. It can enhance students' self-concepts and altruistic minds, and improve students' academic achievements. The purpose of this study is to explore the general situation of students' participation in clubs, and to determine the impact of club experience on moral education and learning achievements. We analyzed the data from 2016-2020 to confirm the correlation between the student's experience of participating in club, achievements of moral education and intellectual development, hours of volunteer work, and frequency to obtain a scholarship. The results showed that students who are very active in clubs, as to be cadres, have better moral performance and higher academic achievement. Club cadres have more hours of volunteer activities, and are more willing to be altruistic as a giver. According to literature references and our findings, we suggested that the student affair section need to put in more effort on encouraging students to participate in student clubs actively in order to deepen moral education and altruistic spirit.


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