  • 期刊


An Exploration into the Factors Influencing Nurses' Wage Equality, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention


本研究探討護理人員離職意圖之相關因素,以工作滿足為中介變項,樣本來自中部某區域教學醫院之護理人員為研究對象,使用問卷調查收集資料,有效問卷223份,以SPSS 23.0統計軟體分析,結果為人口學變項之「年齡」、「任職科別」、「服務年資」與離職意圖有關。「酬勞公平」與「離職意圖」達顯著負相關。進一步以複廻歸分析,檢視各自變項結果顯示:「年齡」與「離職意圖」達顯著負相關;「任職科別-住院單位」、「服務年資」與離職意圖達顯著正相關。此外,本研究發現中介變項中「酬勞公平」、「工作滿足」與「離職意圖」呈負相關,顯示酬勞公平與工作滿足愈低,離職意圖愈高,年齡愈大愈不想離職。經控制年齡因素後,服務年資愈資深,離職意圖愈高,顯示年齡與資深兩種情況具有不同效應。本研究結果,指出酬勞公平之改善、資深員工激勵措施、並適當調整及提昇工作滿足之策略,均有助於降低員工離職意圖,提供臨床實務管理之參考。


The present study used job satisfaction as a mediator in examining factors that affect nurses' turnover intention. Nurses from a teaching hospital in central Taiwan were employed as the study participants. Questionnaires were distributed to collect the data. A total of 223 valid questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed using SPSS Version 22.0 software. The results indicated that demographic variables such as age, division, and years of service influenced turnover intention. A significantly negative correlation was observed between wage equality and turnover intention. Subsequently, multiple regression analysis was applied to examine the various independent variables. The results showed a significantly negative correlation between age and turnover intention. Division/resident unit and years of service exhibited a significantly positive correlation with turnover intention. In addition, mediators such as wage equality and job satisfaction were negatively correlated with turnover intention, which indicated that lower wage equality and job satisfaction resulted in a higher turnover intention. Older participants showed a lower turnover intention. After the age factor was controlled for, the participants with more years of service showed a greater turnover intention, which implied that age and experience exhibited different effects. Based on these results, Improving wage equality, increasing incentives for senior staff, and increasing strategies and making appropriate adjustments for ensuring job satisfaction are beneficial for decreasing nurses' turnover intention.the present study proposed certain recommendations as a reference for managers in clinical practice.


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中華民國護理師護士公會全國聯合會(2010年2月)。台閩地區護理人員統計表。2015年 2月 20日,取自http://www.nurse.org.tw/defaultNewsView.aspx?newsID=4107&timeStamp=1421124463506


