  • 期刊


Liquid love: Love and Class in Lesbian Factory


本文以台灣國際勞工協會(TIWA)在2004年到2009年間拍攝的《T婆工廠》(Lesbian Factory)一紀錄片為探討對象,分析紀錄片中全球生產鏈下移工女同志的愛情階級化面孔。本文將來台菲律賓移工女同志的情欲經驗放置在全球化脈絡中,分析情慾、階級、族群、性別多重身份交錯扣聯的關係。在新自由主義的情境底下,《T婆工廠》呈現了全球生產鏈下女同志移工的情慾政治的兩種面向,一方面在離開母國進入全球勞動生產線的過程,情慾有了解疆域化(de-territorialization)的可能。亦即,當移工脫離了原生國家,造成既有親屬關係與原生國家家庭秩序的鬆動,使得在新的國度中有了挑戰顛覆原本的家庭秩序的可能性,女同情慾在地理空間的解疆域化亦一起解疆域化;但另一方面,身處在市場自由、私有制、解除國家干涉的新自由主義全球生產鏈中,勞動力被迫隨著資本的流動在國際間移動,女同志移工在不同國家之間轉換工作,情慾也被迫面臨流動、不穩固、被迫終止的挑戰,一些人甚至必須在回到母國之後進入異性戀家庭秩序當中,以上兩個面向可以看到愛情的階級化/全球化面孔。移工的情慾更是因為全球生產鏈的跨國情境下的國際階級/性別階級,成為非穩固、非固著的全球化/階級化的特性。其中階級、族群、情慾、全球化的交錯政治下,移工經驗了新自由主義的移工位置,同志情慾放置在一個全球化生產鏈的階級關係中,呈現了女同志移工的愛情有階級化/族群化的面貌,以及移工/女同的階級與慾望政治的重疊交錯。


In this paper, I analyze love and class of lesbian/migrant in Lesbian Factory (2010), by the Taiwan International Workers Association. Lesbian Factory focuses on seven couple of migrant-lesbian workers and represents how to act when they face the power of global market. This documentary politicizes the lesbian relationship; put their relationship under global-market context. In globalization, migrant-lesbians across nation border face the transversal politics of gender/class/ethic/sexuality multiple powers. From this kind complex global market chain, they become migrant-Iesbian-worker-woman multi-subjects. In multi-positions, they create new actions and empower themselves when face the de-territorialization situation. On the other side, in de-territorialization situation, the nation power and global market make their job under unstable and uncertain condition. So they struggle to survive in life and love. Because of their global-class position, they face the uncertainty of' liquid love", as Zygmunt Bauman mentions. However, in the tough condition, these migrant-lesbians rebuild new love concept and struggle for worker's right. In liberation action, they not only struggle for worker's right, but also for lesbian love. Their lesbian love also faces the difficulties cause of the exile in globalization; represent the face of love under global migrant class.


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