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CLIL in Language Learning Classes: Action- and Product- orientation as an Access to Subject-sensitive Language Acquisition


In addition to basic language competencies, a competent handling of discipline-specific language is needed to participate successfully in school and vocational training. The model for complete action is used in German vocational schools to remedy the deficit of sensual experiences. This model in combination with scaffolding and multisensory accesses can enable content- specific learning, which is not primarily based and transported by language. This leads to the opportunity that teaching of subject content can be combined with specific learning of the target language. Therefore, this teaching concept can offer content and language integrated learning in combination with vocational preparation from the beginning of school attendance. A pilot survey explores, if the concept applied in technology lessons taught in a language learning class affect the language competencies and the behaviour of students differently compared to more theoretical technology lessons. Even students of the action- and product-oriented module show fewer abnormalities of behaviour, the language competencies of students in both units increase just slightly but not significantly. Nevertheless, action- and product-orientated teaching facilitates that subject-based teaching can be focused in language learning classes without neglecting relevant input for language acquisition. This opportunity is the reason for an application-oriented generalization of the concept, which can be used for lesson-planning in all school subjects.
