  • 學位論文


The application of CLIL to improve elementary school students' English speaking ability and international environmental education literacy in Life curriculum

指導教授 : 曾聖翔


本研究以CLIL教學法結合生活領域與國際環境教育課程來進行研究。在實施CLIL教學模式後,研究學生的英文口說能力及國際環境教育素養是否有因為教學法的不同而有所提升。 本研究採行動研究法,以臺北市發展國小二年級之23位學生為研究參與對象,透過以提升英文口說能力及國際環境教育素養為主的課程設計,進行為期三個月共三個主題,三個循環共十二節課之行動研究課程。 本研究以翰林版生活第三冊第二單元「和風做朋友」、第三單元「泡泡真好玩」、第四單元「動物好朋友」為教學主題,透過教室觀察、教學省思札記、學生訪談、協同教師課程回饋表、英文口說能力前後測及國際環境教育素養前後測等資料進行資料蒐集與分析,記錄教師教學歷程及學生學習的情形,並透過整理、分析及歸納出以下結論,期能提供給接下來實施英文口說能力及國際環境教育素養相關課程之教師或行政人員做為參考。本研究獲致之結論如下: 壹、課程實施歷程 一、教師設計遊戲式學習活動、實作課程能提升學生英語口說能力 二、教師提供學生討論發表機會,提升學生國際環境教育素養 三、教學者所提供的鷹架為學習者成功與否的關鍵 貳、課程發展歷程的困境與解決方法 一、因時制宜的使用語言 二、教師透過協同備課、遊戲教學來修正實施課程時所遭遇教學時間及學生 識字量有限等問題 參、教學者專業發展的轉變 一、以協同教學進行生活課,對教師的教學專業有幫助 二、自我教學信念之檢視與確定


This research applied the CLIL teaching method to the field of life education and the international environmental education curriculum. After the implementation of the CLIL teaching model, this study investigated whether students’ English speaking ability and international environmental education literacy improved due to the implementation of CLIL. This research used the action research method in which the participants were 23 students from the second grade of Taipei City Development Elementary School. The research lasted for three months. The curriculum was designed with three themes consisting of tweleve 12 lessons to improve students’ English speaking ability and international environmental education literacy. The three themes were the second unit "making friends with the wind", the third unit "bubble is really fun", and the fourth unit "animal friends." The collected data included classroom observations, teaching notes, student interviews, collaborative teacher feedback, pretest-posttest of English speaking ability and international environmental education literacy, the records of teacher's teaching process and students' learning situation. Through sorting, analyzing and summarizing the data, this study provided the conlcusions and suggestions for teachers or administrators who will implement courses related to English speaking ability and international environmental education literacy. The conclusions of this research are as follows: ● Course implementation process 1. The design of game-based learning activities and practical courses could improve students' English speaking ability 2. Teachers could provide students with opportunities to discuss and publish their work to enhance students’ international environmental education literacy 3. The scaffold provided by the teacher was the key to the success of the students. ● Difficulties and solutions in the curriculum development of bilingual course 1. Use the language at the right time 2. Use collaborative and gaming activities ● Changes in the professional development of teachers 1. Professional improvement in collaborative teaching for Life lesson 2. Review and confirmation of self-teaching Beliefs


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