  • 期刊


Reconsidering the Form and Meanings of Traditional Kuba and the Administration of the Tsou Culture and Nature Center




The paper firstly reinterprets the form and meanings of the Alisan Tsou's kuba (man house), and clarify further that in the Tsou's traditional dwelling culture, how their cosmology, conception of humankind, geography and nature display on the living behaviors, various rites happening in kuba, emoo (main dwelling) and tribe settlement. All these form a dualistic but also mixed cultural and symbolic order system in their collective thought, that mainly embody on the kuba. Secondly, the paper reviews the planning of the Tsou Culture and Nature Center in1997 and 2004 AD. It was actually considered as Tsou people's "modern kuba" and the Ministry of Culture and Natural Resource of the prospective "Tsou Autonomic District." Somehow, it is argued that for many years, the government ignore promoting aboriginal people their own identifies as different ethnic groups. On the contrary, the traditional tribal society itself extent tribalism and instead reinforce separatism within ethnic groups. So that, the author advocates again that the north Tsou and the south Tsou should work together and co-administrate the newly built "the Tsou Culture and Nature Center", strengthen "Tsou identity," and promote founding "Tsou Autonomic District" as soon as possible.


Tsou Kuba Tsou Culture and Nature Center
