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  • OpenAccess


The Ambiguity between Freedom of Information and Personal Data Protection: A Comparative Analysis on Government Website Disclosure among Six Special Municipalities




Freedom of information in the government serves the function of fulfilling the proposed public values such as transparency, openness, accountability, and responsiveness. Provision of complete contact information for public servants on government websites is a worldwide trend. Nevertheless, such practice raises the concern that public servants' personal information might be trespassed accordingly. By analyzing the contents of government websites for all six special municipalities in Taiwan, we found that Taipei City government provides the most complete contact information of the civil servants (100%), followed by Taichung City government (over 90%). Kaohsiung City government, on the other hand, discloses the least information. But why do the six special municipalities end up with such huge differences regarding this issue? By interviewing various government officials who were responsible for this affair, we found that ambiguity in the laws, the nature of agencies, and the influence of the chief executives are the three primary factors that contributed to such differences. Policy and managerial implications are also discussed.
