  • 會議論文


The Effect of combination of Task Lighting and Ambient Lighting on Workers' Moods


隨著經濟起飛,產業結構的轉變,現代人的工作環境紛紛轉變為在室內的辦公環境,室內照明的研究與應用越顯重要。除此以外,現代人的工作壓力大,心理疾病層出不窮,照明已不單單僅止於追求效能,而是在保有效能的前提下,也能夠兼顧心理的需求。Task and Ambient Lighting是近年來發展的新型態照明模式,主要是將工作照明與環境照明兩者組合搭配的照明模式,一方面為照明方式提出新的可能,另一方面,比起傳統的全般照明模式,在提供相同的照度下Task and Ambient Lighting更為節能。本研究以貼近真實辦公室環境為實驗設定,採用Task and Ambient Lighting為照明方式,針對不同色溫度與照度所搭配的八種照明環境,在長時間作業下於前、作業結束、作業結束後20分鐘、作業結束後40分鐘四個時段,做視覺類比量表(VAS)與盤斯心情量表(POMS)的問卷分析調查,研究結果如下:(1)在固定的工作照明下,搭配環境照明14w 6500K較搭配環境照明14w 3000K刺眼。(2)在固定的環境照明下,搭配工作照明13w 6500K最為刺眼,反之,不搭配工作照明最不刺眼。(3)在固定的工作照明下,搭配環境照明14w 3000K較搭配環境照明14w 6500K滿意。(4)在工作照明13w 6500K下,搭配環境照明14w 3000K最令人滿意,反之,環境照明14w 3000K不搭配工作照明最令人不滿意。(5)在固定的環境照明下,搭配工作照明5w 6500K最令人感到有精神,反之,不搭配工作照明最令人感到疲倦。(6)在工作照明13w 6500K下,搭配環境照明14w 3000K最令人感到有精神,反之,環境照明14w 3000K不搭配工作照明最令人感到疲倦。


色溫度 照明 心理 評價


With the economic boom and the transformation of industrial structure, modern work environment has changed into indoor office environment, so the study and application of indoor lighting are increasingly important. Additionally, the working pressure of modern people is enormous, giving rise to a host of psychological illnesses. Therefore, lighting is not only the pursuit of efficiency, but needs to meet the psychological needs on the basis of efficiency. Task and Ambient Lighting is a new type of lighting mode emerging in recent years. It is a lighting mode which combines the task lighting and ambient lighting. For one thing, it opens up new possibilities for lighting ways, and for another, compared with the traditional general lighting mode, Task and Ambient Lighting is more energy efficient in case of providing the same illumination. This study uses an approximately real office environment as experimental setting, and uses Task and Ambient Lighting as lighting system, aiming at eight lighting environments of different color temperatures and illuminations, in four time intervals of long-term operation, which are before operation, end of operation, 20 minutes after end of operation and 40 minutes after end of operation, the VAS and POMS questionnaire surveys are implemented. The findings are described below: (1) In a fixed task lighting, 14w 6,500K ambient lighting is more dazzling than 14w 3,000K ambient lighting. (2) In a fixed ambient lighting, 13w 6,500K task lighting is the most dazzling. By contrast, no task lighting is the least dazzling. (3) In a fixed task lighting, 14w 3,000K ambient lighting is more satisfactory than 14w 6,500K ambient lighting. (4) In the 13w 6,500K task lighting, 14w 3,000K ambient lighting is most satisfactory. On the contrary, no task lighting in the 14w 3,000K ambient lighting is the most unsatisfactory. (5) In a fixed ambient lighting, 5w 6,500K task lighting makes people most spirited. By contrast, no task lighting makes people most tired. (6) In the 13w 6,500K task lighting, 14w 3,000K ambient lighting makes people most spirited. By contrast, no task lighting in the 14w 3,000K ambient lighting makes people most tired.


Color temperature Lighting Psychology Evaluation
