  • 會議論文


Simulation, Virtual and Augmented Models-Development of Teaching Materials for Digital Cultural Space Experience in the Classroom


在傳統的空間設計學習中,學生經常透過閱讀經典文化空間照片及圖面,製作等比縮小之模型和繪製平立剖面圖進行案例分析練習,以想像的方式感受空間比例與設計者傳達的資訊。然而,過去的學習方式缺乏真實比例空間尺度的身體感知,以及「身歷其境」的感受 。因此,在傳統教學模式中,累積空間感知及理解空間中傳達的資訊必須倚賴長期的經驗。本研究進行文化空間數位轉化,以開放軟體Blender建構數位模型,學生運用3D模型及雷射切割機製作等比縮小模型後,再透過虛擬實境頭戴顯示器及手機擴增實境進行體驗。企圖在教室建立一套文化空間的學習模式,輔助學生進由空間探索,理解設計者傳達的訊息,打造體驗經典設計案例之教學工具。


In traditional space design learning, students often read classic cultural space photos and drawings, make proportionally reduced models and draw horizontal and vertical sections for case analysis exercises, and feel the space proportions and the information conveyed by the designer in an imaginative way. However, the past learning methods lacked the accuracy of the real scale and spatial scale, and the feeling of "being in the environment". Therefore, in the traditional teaching model, the accumulative accuracy of spatial perception and understanding of the information conveyed in the space must rely on long-term experience. This research conducts digital transformation of cultural space and uses the open software Blender to construct digital models. Students use 3D models and laser cutting machines to make scaled models, and then experience the augmented reality through virtual reality head-mounted displays and mobile phones. Attempt to establish a learning model of cultural space in the classroom, assist students to explore the space, understand the message conveyed by the designer, and create a teaching tool to experience classic design cases.
