  • 期刊


The Molding of Genre Imagination and Chorography: Zhong, Tei-Min and Children's Literature


在台灣文學史中佔有一席之地的鍾鐵民,其創作生涯中曾經出版過以兒童為閱讀對象的作品:《月光下的小鎮 美濃》是應台灣省政府教育廳兒童讀物編輯小組邀請而寫的,《四眼與我》則是作家從往年的小說作品中挑選出來的,《月光下的小鎮》除了〈月光下的小鎮〉一文外,還收錄了兩篇原本是散文爾後經過改寫為小說的作品。在這幾種不一樣的書寫初衷、意圖所呈現的作品中,鍾鐵民是如何想像「兒童」的?也就是說,自成人文學跨足到另一個在性質上有著不小差距的創作領域中,他的兒童文學觀是怎樣被啟發以及是透過哪幾種方式進行實踐的?此外,我認為鍾鐵民在其創作歷程中一直有著「兒童」的存在,本論文將以敘述視角為考察對象指出在作家的文學理念中成人與兒童(閱讀)間的界線其實並不那麼的涇渭分明。


During his writing career, Zhong, Tei-Min, a guru in the history of Taiwanese literature, has published several works dedicated for the children: The Town under the Moonlight – Meinung was written for the Taiwan Provincial Government Department of Education Children's Book Editorial Team while Four Eyes and I was selected from the novels written in the previous years. Not only is "The Town under the Moonlight" published in The Town under the Moonlight, two other proses which were re-written were also included. Owing to the different motives and intentions behind the works, what is the concept of "children" in Zhong Tei-Min's mind? That is to say, from adult literature crossing a relatively not small gap in the creative field, how was his view of children's literature inspired and what are the approaches to carry it out? I believe that "children" have always existed in Zhong, Tei-Min's creative career. This essay uses the narrative perspective as the object of investigation to point out the clear-cut boundary in the writer's literary views between the adults and the children (reading).
