  • 期刊


Development of Intelligent Tool for Forming Curve of Servo Press




The most important feature of servo press compared to conventional press is that it can control the movement and speed of the punch and use the most suitable forming curve for different processing purposes to achieve the maximum production efficiency. In order to achieve the maximum production efficiency, the most suitable forming curve must to be used for different processing purposes. The curve can be divided into processed and unprocessed, among which the processed part needs to use different curves according to the demand. After divided into different curves, each turning node in the curve can be disassembled, which means to be intelligent it needs to judge each node and choose the best path. Due to environmental protection issues, the adoption rate of aluminum alloy is increasing, but the 7 series aluminum sheet metal is easy to break during forming process due to its high strength and low ductility and the quality of finished products will be affected and difficult in mass production, hence the importance of intelligent tool for forming curves of servo punch press and the potential for future market development are increasingly demonstrated.


Servo press Forming curve Metal forming


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