  • 期刊


The Study on Legal System of the Administrative Investigation




行政調查 案件調查 軍紀案


1. Investigation of discipline cases of military belong administrative investigations concept, should follow the principles of its legal system on the principles and specifications of administrative law. In the related stuies for investigation of discipline cases mostly confined to external administrative investigations explore aspects of legality, for internal administrative investigation is appropriate authorities of the relevant studies and discusses the dwarf less. On the other hand, most internal investigation cases lacks legitimate and appropriate procedures so that occurrence of human rights issues. 2. This research will examine the relevant legal of cases of discipline investigated, then discusses the case for Navy drill corss-border between August 2012 using case study method. According to the media, the content of newspaper reports in respect of the execution flow of cases and the execution context to related legal and administrative rules to implement and depth legal appropriateness and legality, according to the survey as a follow-up discipline cases related administrative procedures to improve orientation.
