  • 期刊


Artistic Ways of Being Religious: Narrative


The art of telling stories is both ancient and universal, most clearly defined in the Western tradition in Aristotle's Poetics. Narrative, and its inherent mystery and qualities of the liturgical and performative, is central to biblical literature, the gospels having been recently described as "true fiction". Recent feminist critics have proposed a new sense of the complexity of the Bible's stories, following in some ways the traditions of Jewish midrashic interpretation, which emphasizes the riddling and parabolic nature of biblical narrative. The waning of the authority of the Bible in the first half of the 19th century shifted the narrative emphasis on to the great tradition of Victorian fiction in writers like Charlotte Bront and George Eliot. At the end of the 20th century the postmodern suggestion of the collapse of the great defining narratives of Western culture has failed to eradicate the sense that we live in a "story-shaped world" and that story and narrative remain central to art, religion and culture.


