  • 期刊


The Introduction and analysis of the Fu Chen Project




This research article is based on the archives from the National Archives Administration of Nation Development Council about the ROC government's views and position on the 228 incident, 1947. In 1983, the government created a special task force "Fu Chen Project(拂塵專案)" to look into the event out of a political necessity and in the wake of pressures from the foreign and domestic non-party members. As a result,《拂去歷史明鏡上的塵埃》(literally translated as sweeping the dust off the mirror of history) was published by the government to defend government's wrongdoings in the 228 incident. The previous official discourse claimed that the 228 incident was mainly instigated by a mob of Taiwanese. From the collection of the archives used in that government publication, the government has switched its position to claim that the Taiwanese were also compatriot Chinese and that the tragic 228 incident were instigated by the Communists and Taiwan independence backers. The archives have also revealed the execution period of the Fu Chen Project, the budget and personnel input for the organization in charge of the execution, its spending throughout the entire execution period, etc. As such, the collection of the archives can be very useful for the study of the 228 incident. From the archives, this research has also found out that mass surveillance on opposition members by the ROC government.


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