

The case of streaming star Zheng Shuang's surrogacy and abandonment has sparked a heated national debate over whether surrogacy should be banned altogether. Surrogacy, as a kind of artificial assisted reproductive technology, has become a difficult social phenomenon in recent years. Fully open surrogacy will not only breed a lot of criminal acts but also deviate from the basic principles of our marriage and family system and the basic system of monogamy. An outright ban on surrogacy would result in infertile families and those who have lost their only child could not realize their legal reproductive rights. The author believes that it is impossible to completely ban surrogacy, and surrogacy has its objective rationality. China should comply with the trend of The Times, face the current situation of surrogacy in China, and limit the opening of surrogacy. In addition, the whole process of surrogacy must be strictly controlled by the government to avoid a series of legal disputes and social ethical issues. For example, the government should improve the laws and regulations related to surrogacy; conduct a comprehensive review of the establishment and operation of surrogacy agencies; Through these means, limited surrogacy can play a positive role in a healthy and legal environment, and thus maintain social harmony and stability.


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Wenmin Xue,Legal Regulation of limited surrogacy (Ph.D., Liaoning Normal University, China 2020), p.23.
Shuya Li: Jiameng Ying:Research on the status quo and legalization of China's legal system of surrogacy, Legal Review, (2019) NO.1,p.78.
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