  • 期刊


The Study of Adding Particular Microorganisms to Layer Feces to Enhance Composting


本研究主要目的在探討蛋雞糞添加混合菌株(Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Actinobifida chromogena, Mucor pustillus)菌劑對腐熟速度及氨氣揮發量之影響。試驗結果顯示在堆肥化過程中添加混合菌株處理者,皆可提前出現較高溫度,其中以蛋雞糞添加混合菌株與木屑處理的溫度上升最快速,在第4天時可達68℃;蛋雞糞添加混合菌株與木屑處理於堆肥化過程的前期會產生大量CO_2,但隨之CO_2產生量快速減少,而且較其他處理組低。蛋雞糞添加混合菌株與木屑處理可顯著減少氨氣的產生,試驗進行第12天後氨氣濃度快速下降,至第40天後則趨於穩定,由種子發芽率測定的結果證明蛋雞糞添加混合菌株可於試驗進行第15天時即接近腐熟。盆栽試驗結果顯示蛋雞糞添加混合菌株所製造出來的堆肥比純蛋雞糞堆肥有利於小白菜的生長。


微生物 堆肥 腐熟度


The objects of this study were to investigate the effect of adding inoculant containing Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Actinobifida chromogena, Mucor pustillus isolated by our laboratory to layer feces on the composition changes and the emission of CO_2 and NH_3 gases. The experimental results showed the temperatures of CW+LB+SD treatment (layer feces added with inoculant and sawdust)and CW+LB treatment (layer feces added with inosulant)were maintained at 60℃ or more within 10 days after the experiment was set up, but that of CW treatment (layer feces only)was below 60℃ during composting period. The pH values of CW+LB+SD treatment and CW+ LB treatment were lower than that of CW treatment, and those of the three treatments were above 8.0. After composting, the increased percentage of nitrogen concentration of CW+LB+SD treatment was highest among the three treatments. The CO_2 concentration of CW+LB+SD treatment and CW+LB treatment were significantly more than that of CW treatment within 14 days after the experiment was set up. The NH_3 concentration of CW+LB+SD treatment and CW+LB treatment were obviously lower than that of CW treatment after the experiment was carried out 20 days. When the experiment was carried out for 15 days, Brassica chinensis seed germination rates of CW+LB treatment, CW treatment and CW+LB +SD treatment were 100%, 92% and 80%, respectively, and the result indicated that adding the inoculant to layer feces could speed up composting process. Composts, produced from layer feces added with the inoculant, had the tendency of promoting the growth of Brassica chinensis.


Microorganisms Compost Decomposition
