  • 期刊


Feed restriction effects during the laying period on the reproductive performance of Taiwan country breeder hens


本試驗之目的在探討產蛋期限飼對種母土雞繁殖性能之影響。供試雞隻係選用行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所育成之畜試土雞台畜母十二號243隻,將18週齡之種母土雞,逢機分至三種不同飼料餵料量處理組,分別為任飼、任飼採食量的92%及85%,每處理三重複,每處理組81隻雞,試驗至82週齡結束。雞隻採籠飼,飼糧含粗蛋白質15.5%、代謝能2,740 kcal/kg,水採自由飲食,試驗開始時每日給予13小時光照,以後每週增加光照30分鐘,至光照時間15小時30分鐘止,於試驗期間並進行繁殖性狀測定。本試驗以全部雞隻進入初產所需日數、蛋重在36 g以下之產蛋週數、隻舍產蛋率、蛋重、蛋黃重、蛋殼品質、受精率、孵化率、產雛數、雛雞重及產雛飼料利用效率等主要繁殖性狀為評估指標。試驗結果顯示,畜試土雞台畜母十二號產蛋期之飼養方式,以任飼採食量的 92%餵飼,相當於每天攝取252 kcal之代謝能,可獲得較佳之繁殖性能。


種母土雞 產蛋期 限飼 繁殖性能


The purpose of this experiment was to study the feed restriction effects during the laying period on the reproductive performance of Taiwan country breeder hens. Two hundred forty-three hens at 18 weeks of age were randomly allocated into three treatments with three feed intake levels (ad libitum consumption, 92% and 85% ad libitum consumption). Each treatment contained 81 hens and was divided into three replicates. The experiment was conducted through 82 weeks of age. Hens reared in cages were fed diets containing 15.5% crude protein and 2,740 kcal/kg metabolizable energy. Water was supplied ad libitum. Incandescent light was provided 13 hours per day at the beginning of the experiment, and stepwise increased by 30 minutes each week to reach a total photoperiod of 15 hours 30 minutes. Days required by these pullets to reach laying, weeks required for egg weight to reach 36 grams, hen-house egg production, egg weight, yolk weight, shell quality, fertility, hatchability, feed conversion ratio, hatched live chick weight, and chick production rates were used as the criterion. The results indicated that breeder laying hens fed with 92% ad libitum , equivalent to 252 kcal metabolizable energy per day, had better reproductive performance than the other groups.
