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The Grammatical Functions of the Auxiliary Word NE(呢) in Non-interrogative Sentences in HK Cantonese since Mid-20th Century: A Case Study Based on Audio Corpuses




After mid-20th century, the auxiliary NE(呢) has been used as a marker of the topic of a sentence or the backgrounding clause to connect the background and foreground information of a sentence; whereas, it expresses modality and mood determined by the context or modal adverb. Compared with Mandarin, Cantonese has developed neither the function of aspect nor mood, which maintained the main grammatical use of NI(聻) before SONG Dynasty (宋). It is shown that NE(呢) has gone through some changes among phonology, semantics and syntax and the gap of frequency in typological use between male and female has dropped increasingly since mid-20th century.


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