  • 會議論文


How to Construct a Memorial Space with the Narrative Design Method




Commemoration is an inherent human behaviour, and a memorial space provides a place to hold people's emotions. Traditional memorial spaces have often overlooked the importance of emotional resonance for the experiencer in the pursuit of architectural form. In order to understand how to construct memorial spaces from the perspective of narrative design, the research has collected theories on narrative design and symbolism through literature review and case studies, and conducted case studies on the memorial room of Chang Ching-Yu, the founder of Chung Yuan University, the National Holocaust Memorial Monument in Canada and the Kazunigaoka Crematorium in Japan. The study finds that: 1. the use of narrative design to tell stories in memorial spaces helps to create the atmosphere of the place and enhance people's emotional experience in the space; 2. different symbols in memorial spaces constitute different symbolic meanings and are the carriers of emotional transmission; 3. through the expression of clear themes, the extraction of symbols and the presentation of narratives, they are organised as the composition of memorial spaces. The method of spatial narrative proposed for this study.
