  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Investment Strategies and Performance in Taiwanese Mutual Fund

指導教授 : 李存修


本論文研究方法是從共同基金的五大投資行為與績效之間關係加以分析,分別是週轉率與績效之關係、持股比率與績效之關係、期貨參與程度之關係、總風險σ與績效之關係、以及系統風險β與績效之關係。取樣期間自91年1月到95年12月,符合條件者共有133檔基金。其中包括股票型一般類基金73檔、股票型中小類基金14檔、股票型科技類基金28檔、以及平衡型基金18檔。 本文研究結論如下:(1)基金週轉率與報酬率呈現較高的正相關係數,但投資人仍應避免挑選長期週轉率過度高於同類型基金週轉率平均值之基金,較能獲取較高的超額報酬。(2)在持股比率的分析方面,發現股票型科技類與平衡型基金因為其類股特性,因此較明顯具有擇時之能力,而股票型一般類與中小類基金則較不明顯。(3)從期貨參與程度來分析,則不論共同基金是否參與衍生性金融商品的操作,對其超額報酬並無發現有直接的影響關係。(4)股票型中小類、科技型與平衡型基金在總風險和報酬率皆呈現顯著之負相關,顯示基金經理人具備控制總風險以增加報酬率之能力。(5)從β值角度分析,得出投資人在挑選基金時應以β值增減與大盤月報酬指數呈現負相關係數基金為主,較可取得較佳超額報酬。 本研究發現從基金投資行為方式切入分析,可得到較多與實務相關之結論,而針對基金自身投資行為的變化以及相對其他同類型基金變化來加以探討,得到之應用結果也會大不相同。建議投資人在實務運用時,對於個別基金突然增加的週轉率、持股比率應加以正視,若再輔以過濾該基金對總風險σ可控制在低於同類型基金平均風險、以及當指數上升時該基金當期系統風險β較上期為低之結論,則該基金後一期之績效表現呈現正報酬效果之機率將會較高。


This study is to analyze the correlations between mutual fund performance and five investment behaviors which include turnover rate, investment ratio, investment proportion of derivatives, total risk and systematic risk. The time period ranges from January 2002 to December 2006, including 133 Taiwanese mutual funds totally. The empirical results are: (1) The turnover rate is higher correlated with the fund performance. Besides, investors should avoid picking fund with turnover rate which is much higher than the average of the peer group to earn higher excess return. (2) As to the investment ratio, the stock (tech) mutual funds and balanced mutual funds are more powerful in stock selecting than stock (general) mutual funds and due to the characteristics. (3) The investment proportion of derivatives is found to be uncorrelated with the excess return no matter whether the mutual fund involves in derivatives or not. (4) The total risk is found to have significantly negative correlation with the fund performance, which means fund managers are able to control total risk and increase rate of return. (5) In the aspect of systematic risk, investors should focus on those fund with negative correlations between beta and the monthly return of Taiwan stock market. This research finds that mutual fund investing behaviors may result in many empirical related conclusions. We find that when turnover rate or investment ratio increases, the total risk is lower than the level of peer group and systematic risk is lower than the previous level, the performance of that fund may outperform over other mutual funds and have positive returns.


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