  • 學位論文


The Propensity of Part-timers' for Transferring to Full-time Jobs

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


部分工時工作之非典型就業型態在歐美等先進國家已行之有年,而台灣則因近年經濟不景氣等因素,促使部分工時僱用型態成為政府降低失業率,以及企業減少人事成本的方式。然而,國內外相關文獻指出,許多部分工時勞工未能享有如同典型工作者之待遇,如穩定薪資、工作福利、工作保障,以及教育訓練,因而影響其往後發展。因此,本文將探討上述因素是否影響部分工時勞工轉任全時工作之意願,其結果可望為政府提供引導勞動市場型態的策略基礎。 本研究資料來源為民國100年《部分工時勞工就業實況調查報告》,並控制若干個別身分條件變數,由於本研究之依變項為二元變數,因而運用第19版SPSS統計軟體之二元羅吉斯迴歸方法分析,探討影響我國部分工時勞工轉任全時工作意願之因素。研究結果發現:固定僱用期間之工作保障因素,以及教育訓練之福利因素,對於部分工時勞工轉任全時工作的意向上,呈現負向的影響效果。


Part-time job, an atypical employment pattern, has been used in western countries for decades. Due to the economic downturn in recent years, part-time job employment becomes a way to lower unemployment rate for government and also to reduce personnel costs for enterprise in Taiwan. However, many relevant literatures show that there are high percentage of part-time workers can’t be treated as full-time workers, such as steady wages, job benefits, job security and on-job trainings, all the aforementioned affect an employee’s career. Therefore, this research will discuss if those factors that affect the propensity of part-time workers transfer to be full-time workers or not. The results construct the base of atypical employment strategy for government. The database of this research is "Investigation of part-time workers' employment 2011" and controlling a number of personal variables as binary dependent variables. Owing to the dependent variable of this study is a binary variable, so we use binary logistic regression of SPSS software 19ed to analyze which factor effects the part timers’ propensity of transferring to be full-time workers. The results show that the factors of fixed hiring period and on-job training have negative effects for the mentioned propensity


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