  • 學位論文


Japanese Intelligence Organization Transformation and Development in Post-Cold War

指導教授 : 蕭全政


21世紀已是情報化的國際環境,為配合社會發展的需要,情報研究勢必發展為一門學科供社會公開運用,而日本以強大的情報力在國際經濟領域崛起,對該國情報組織體制的研究應具學術及情報實務參考價值。 本論文係採政治經濟學的視角,分析日本情報組織因應冷戰後國際環境變化的變革歷程,依其主要轉變特性可分為四個階段認識:1945至1950年,屬於潛伏期,1950至1990年,屬於重建期,1990至2000年,屬於轉型期,2000年迄今,屬於擴張期。研究重點在於:探討日本情報組織變革與追求正常國家有何關聯性,簡言之,即為處理日本情報組織與政治體制的相關議題。在分析架構上,第一個面向是歷史結構的分析,即從國際局勢的演變,分析日本情報組織在特定時空環境下,所面臨的歷史條件、國家安全議題,以及由日本的全球戰略被結構化的過程。第二個面向集中在日本政經結構的分析,檢視日本情報組織在行政改革後政府體制架構下,探討其調整組織政策背景及策略,並從總體的角度,釐清日本情報組織在內部的政經結構中,其組織與制度的變遷脈絡。第三個面向則是從實存的經驗及議題出發,分析日本情報組織作為日本政府體制中如何實踐安全保障戰略,以及預測未來可能發展。 另為掌握日本各情報組織變革發展所涉政經歷史脈絡或因果脈絡關係,作者參考日本戰後大事記及情報工作領導人回憶錄等文獻,將第二次世界大戰結束後涉及日本情報組織成立背景及演變之相關事件製作年表,作為本文推論的依據。


To meet social needs in the informationized world of the 21st century, the study of information is sure to become a more prominent subject which can be useful to the public. Japan with a strong intelligence-collecting capability has emerged as a world leading economy. It is appropriate to study how Japan’s intelligence organizations have supported the state over the decades from the perspectives of practice and theory. This essay analyzes the transformation of Japan’s intelligence organizations tackling the changing situations in the post cold-war periods from political and economic viewpoints.The four stages of transformative characteristics are lurking (1945-1950), rebuild(1950-1990), transformation(1990-2000), and expansion(2000 to date). This study focuses on the connection between the reform of Japanese intelligence organizations and Japan’s turning to a normal state;namely, the relationship between its intelligence organizations and political systems.This paper analyzes this issue from three aspects. First, history: how Japan’s intelligence organizations and global strategies have evolved under given international circumstances and national security demands. Second, political and economic: what are the background, strategy, and process of Japan’s intelligence organizational transformation within the political and economic structures after an administrative reforms. Last, experiences and issues:how those organizations have operated to safeguard Japan’s comprehensive security guarantee strategy by reviewing past experiences and current issues, and predicts their future development. The author refers to literatures, including post-war chronicles and intelligence leaders’ memoirs, as a means to help explain intelligence organizations transformation under various historical backgrounds, and also makes a chronicle chart basing on which the conclusion of this essay is drawn.


